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Volcanic Black Raspberry Fizz

Rebecca Nielsen's
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Category: Cocktails
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Serves/Makes: 4 drinks
Difficulty: 2
Prep Time: 65 minutes including fridge time


1/2 cup fresh black berries
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/4 cup superfine sugar
1/2 cup lime simple syrup (recipe follows)*
1 bottle chilled Prosecco (Italian champaign)


In glass container add both berries and sugar. Using muddler or wooden spoon handle mush berries but not too much, leaving some pieces bigger, some smaller. It doesn't change the flavor but looks awesome. Add simple syrup and put container in fridge for about an hour.

When ready to serve, fill champaign flutes about 2 inches each with berry mixture. In front of your friends or guests add Prosecco and watch the beautiful red/black mixture erupt in a volcano of bubbles.

Cooks Notes: I serve them with fun colorful plastic stir sticks (Party City has a box of 100 for about 8 bucks). Because the berries will float back down to the bottom, it is nice to have something to keep them incorporated.

*I always keep simple syrups in squeeze bottles in the fridge. This makes sweetening any kind of drink quick and delicious.

Lime Simple Syrup - In a small sauce pan add 1 cup white sugar, 1/3 cup water and 1/3 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (don't cheat). Over med-low heat while stirring cook gently until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and cool about 20 minutes, then pour into a plastic squeeze bottle and refrigerate. This keeps indefinitely in the fridge.

Note: This recipe is part of a user's personal recipEbox. It is not part of the CDKitchen collection.

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