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Rebecca Nielsen's Profile

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Rebecca Nielsen's webpage has been visited 29998 times

Stats for Rebecca Nielsen:

Member Since: 2010-12-28
Photos: 82 photos uploaded
Reviews: 10 recipe reviews posted

Profile for Rebecca Nielsen:

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1958-08-18
Location: Deerfield, IL
Occupation: Homemaker
Marital Status: Married
Children: 3
Pets: 2 cats Pepper and Bugg
Hobbies: Cooking, kids
Favorite Movie: When Harry Met Sally
Favorite Book: Fountainhead
Favorite Cookbook: Rachael Rays Look and Cook
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: Right now its Castle
Favorite Food: Cookies
Favorite Restaurant: Wild Fish
Favorite Quote: Kindness and Good Manners cost nothing
Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Color: Yellow
More about me!:
I have always known how to cook the basics but while being ill this past year I dove into learning every thing I could about cooking anything and everything. I love to buy just one extra ingredient each time I shop and learn everything about it and then try it out on my loving husband. He makes the best guinea pig. While I love cooking both savory and sweet I have gone crazy for cookies. Cookies make everyone smile. I can't wait to share some of my recipes with everyone. I also have mastered making my own jellies and barbeque sauces. Thanks for letting me share.

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Online since 1995, CDKitchen has grown into a large collection of delicious recipes created by home cooks and professional chefs from around the world. We are all about tasty treats, good eats, and fun food. Join our community of 200K+ members - browse for a recipe, submit your own, add a review, or upload a recipe photo.