Rebecca Nielsen's Profile
Page url: http://recipebox.cdkitchen.com/173007/myrecipes.html
Rebecca Nielsen's webpage has been visited 29998 times
Stats for Rebecca Nielsen:
Member Since: 2010-12-28
Photos: 82 photos uploaded
Reviews: 10 recipe reviews posted
Profile for Rebecca Nielsen:
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1958-08-18
Location: Deerfield, IL
Occupation: Homemaker
Marital Status: Married
Children: 3
Pets: 2 cats Pepper and Bugg
Hobbies: Cooking, kids
Favorite Movie: When Harry Met Sally
Favorite Book: Fountainhead
Favorite Cookbook: Rachael Rays Look and Cook
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: Right now its Castle
Favorite Food: Cookies
Favorite Restaurant: Wild Fish
Favorite Quote: Kindness and Good Manners cost nothing
Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Color: Yellow
More about me!:
I have always known how to cook the basics but while being ill this past year I dove into learning every thing I could about cooking anything and everything. I love to buy just one extra ingredient each time I shop and learn everything about it and then try it out on my loving husband. He makes the best guinea pig. While I love cooking both savory and sweet I have gone crazy for cookies. Cookies make everyone smile. I can't wait to share some of my recipes with everyone. I also have mastered making my own jellies and barbeque sauces. Thanks for letting me share.