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Braised Lettuce

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6 Romaine Hearts, washed and cut lengthwise
4 Tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Large White Onion
1/2 Cup Canned Stewed Tomatoes
1/4 Cup Dry White Wine
2 Cups Beef Bouillon, or
1/2 Tsp of Maggi Seasoning with 2 Cups Water
Salt and Pepper to taste


. Heat oil in large frying pan
. Slice onion with grain (root to stalk) and spread out in pan.
. Layer lettuce over onions
. Add stewed tomatoes on top
. Pour wine over whole, cover, and cook for 5 minutes on low heat.
. Gradually add bouillon or Maggi & Water mixture by the quarter cup allowing it to evaporate each time.
. Place romaine hearts on a platter and pour remaining sauce over to serve.

Serves 6

Note: This recipe is part of a user's personal recipEbox. It is not part of the CDKitchen collection.

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