bonnie's Profile
Page url:
bonnie's webpage has been visited 4921 times
Stats for bonnie:
Member Since: 2008-02-11
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 12 recipe reviews posted
Profile for bonnie:
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1945-09-11
Location: niagara falls, ontario, canada
Occupation: asst. care taker, school board
Marital Status:
Children: did have three, now 2
Education: high school
Pets: one shih tzu
Hobbies: cooking, bird watching, being near water
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Cookbook: blue ribbon recipes, from county fair winners
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: food network
Favorite Food: not too much i do not like
Favorite Restaurant: anywhere reasonable, home cooking
Favorite Quote: go big or go home
Favorite Day of the Week: fri.
Favorite Color: shades of pink
More about me!:
i live 20 mins. from lake erie, am at a camp ground all summer as i am laid off till sept. ilove being near the lake find it peaceful