Judi Mae's Profile
Page url: http://recipebox.cdkitchen.com/22611/myrecipes.html
Judi Mae's webpage has been visited 644 times
Stats for Judi Mae:
Member Since: 2003-05-13
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 0 recipe reviews posted
Profile for Judi Mae:
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1945-01-23
Location: New York
Occupation: Retired
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: 1
Education: Some college
Hobbies: Paint Shop Pro, Exchanging Recipes
Favorite Movie: Goodfellas
Favorite Book: Nora Roberts Novels
Favorite Cookbook: The Whole World Cookbook
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds
Favorite Food: Seafood, Italian, Mexican cuisines
Favorite Restaurant: Jani's Chinese
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Favorite Day of the Week:
Favorite Color: Lavender
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