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LiuYang's Profile

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LiuYang's webpage has been visited 328 times

Stats for LiuYang:

Member Since: 2013-07-06
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 0 recipe reviews posted

Profile for LiuYang:

Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 0000-00-00
Marital Status:
Pets: One dog
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More about me!:
My name is Judy F. Liu (I have been learning British English not American English), and my Chinese name is Liu Yang(��). In addition to my being a translator and interpreter, I am also a Chinese teacher, copywriter and writer. I have published seven translated books(I am a member of Translators Association of China), and many my own original articles in several Chinese magazines. And also, I have published three English articles on a British magazine which you can find on my blog. I am familiar with Chinese geography, history and culture, and have created numerous articles and videos about Chinese culture, history, food and tourist sites, examples of which can be found on my YouTube and Facebook

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