Mary's Profile
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Mary's webpage has been visited 306 times
Stats for Mary:
Member Since: 2013-04-10
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 1 recipe review posted
Profile for Mary:
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 0000-00-00
Location: Ripley, TN
Marital Status: married to a wonderful man
Children: One adoreable boy
Education: High School graduate
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Cookbook: How do You choose though I wish I had my Mom's 1970 something Betty Crocker cook book
My Blog or Website: http://
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Food: Ic an not name just one Mexican and Italian
Favorite Restaurant: The Olive Garden
Favorite Quote:
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More about me!:
I am a wife and mom. I love my family very much and very much enjoy all the goodies my husband cooks. The Lord blessed me with a husband who loves to cook. I enjoy cooking as well but let my husband do what he enjoy. I hope our son will follow our footsteps in the kitchen!