Eric Stewart's Profile
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Eric Stewart's webpage has been visited 387 times
Stats for Eric Stewart:
Member Since: 2010-01-01
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 0 recipe reviews posted
Profile for Eric Stewart:
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1973-06-27
Location: North Little Rock, AR, USA
Occupation: copier repair technician
Marital Status: single
Children: zero
Education: Associate's degree
Pets: two cats, one dog
Hobbies: playing guitar, cooking, watching TV
Favorite Movie: Goodfellas
Favorite Book: Brain Droppings
Favorite Cookbook:
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: Good Eats, the Big Bang Theory, Mythbusters, the Office
Favorite Food: cheeseburgers
Favorite Restaurant: Damgoode Pies
Favorite Quote:
Favorite Day of the Week: Thursday
Favorite Color: blue
More about me!:
I've worked for 16 years in the restaurant industry, so I have a hard time trying to make a recipe for just myself...I like experimenting, as I made the ice cream recipe by following two separate recipes then deciding to just wing it, and last night I made sweet tea gelatin; that one could use some work...