chefkellydigby's Profile
Page url: http://recipebox.cdkitchen.com/119676/myrecipes.html
chefkellydigby's webpage has been visited 31075 times
Stats for chefkellydigby:
Member Since: 2009-01-07
Photos: 0 photos uploaded
Reviews: 0 recipe reviews posted
Profile for chefkellydigby:
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 0000-00-00
Location: OHIO,USA
Occupation: CHEF
Marital Status: MARRIED
Children: 2
Favorite Movie: BRIGADOON
Favorite Book: CLIVE CUSSLER
Favorite Cookbook: BETTY CROCKER
My Blog or Website:
Favorite TV Show: PSYCH
Favorite Food: POTATOES
Favorite Restaurant: RIVERSTONE TAVERNE
Favorite Quote: A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worthwhile.
Favorite Day of the Week: SUNDAY
Favorite Color: GREEN
More about me!:
I spend my time tweaking & developing recipes for home cooks using fusion speed cooking methods. I teach private Culinary Classes, I do Culinary Consulting &blog about my passion for food. I enjoy teaching kitch-ophobes that cooking is not scary, that anyone can do it! I'm a Personal Chef & caterer who enjoys sharing my passion for food with others!